In gold/plat/diamond league, protoss will build a couple of stalkers, terrans some marines and zerg will plop down some creep tumors and pump out some speedlings, all of which will effectively counter reaper harassment if microed properly. They're a decent unit if your opponent is caught unawares. In bronze/silver, you can get away with relatively large amounts of reapers. Though they're certainly a million times more useful than hellions.

50hp unit that takes ~4 times longer to build than a marine, vs shit like seige tanks, stalkers and and tentacler rapers is a joke. Every single enemy is light class or a structure? No air? Zomg win! A pity they're pretty much useless for lack of hp and stupidly long build time. They raped the colony purging mission though. Reapers were a shitload of fun until they started throwing massive air support into every single mission.
Starcraft 2 campaign my units are slowly dying full#
Throw in an SCV or two and the transport will be healed to full by the time the marines are finished with their rapefest.Flash drops always were my favourite tactic in SC1, though I preferred cracklings, since by the time you'd done the upgrades, you'd have a bigass pile of overlords and stupid amounts of lings, whereas the other two races would need a severe tech detour to make a horde of dropships that won't turn to dust before half the troops land.

Been facerolling every map since with M&M drops. Just got the hercules a few missions ago in campaign.